The Rites of Passage Systems

The Rites of Passage Systems’ professionals and para-professionals from the Akoben Collectives - Community Schools (AkobenCCS) will provide the African Heritage and Diaspora Centered Cultural focus and socialization factors. This shall include specialized academies, advanced training, and socialization activities. This traditional African Heritage and educational initiative shall establish the internships, externships, apprenticeships, and career shadowing opportunities that will be offered. The beginning socialization activities shall be arranged in age-grades, cohorts, and grade levels.

The primary academies provide advanced manhood trainings and womanhood trainings for the male and female students, respectively. Parents will be intensely involved with our Rites of Passage Specialists to design and implement these sequences. Preparation, Separation, Advanced Education, Challenges, Tasks, Transitions, and Reincorporation are core components of the training sequences that launch the students into progressive and responsible adulthood.

The final forms of socialization related to the African Heritage and Diasporan Centered Culture will be held abroad in trips, retreats, and visits to various cities, states, and countries through the Globe Trekkers’ Academy. The dual nature of the education system of the Akoben Collectives - Community Schools (AkobenCCS) will prepare all participating students for such activities through the aspects of history, interpersonal relationships, language mastery, cultural reinforcement, academic enrichment, and the practical application of their skills, knowledge, and talents.

The STEM Academies will be implemented as a core component of the socialization system and as the final advanced education and training phase for each grade of students from the rising 6th graders through the rising 12th graders. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. These academies will be host to the major end of year education and training regimen for each student. Finally, these academies serve as a core component of the Rites of Passage System that prepares age-targeted students for their roles as the new generations of adults in their communities and leaders in the World.

Interest Survey

The Akoben Collectives - Community Schools (AkobenCCS) will be surveying prospective students and parents' interests in enrollment with this initiative. Submission of this survey, once made available, DOES NOT and WILL NOT enroll any pupil. Official enrollment will occur once the Board of Trustees has empowered the Akoben Collectives - Community Schools (AkobenCCS) to operate, in late August 2025.

Akoben Collectives Community Schools, Inc.


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